The world’s future depends on the actions we take today.
Through our work, APEM are playing a part in ensuring that the world will meet the needs of future generations.
But we want to go further than that. We want to go beyond regulatory obligations.
By reducing the impact of our operations and operating in a responsible, ethical and accountable way, we demonstrate our commitment to our team, to wider society and to the environment.
Here are the four pillars of Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR) and what we’re doing to change the future:
Environmental Responsibility
Through the delivery of long term solutions, we’re helping our clients in government and industry to achieve their own goals for quality, sustainability and durability. In 2022, we were certified Carbon Neutral, and offsetting any emissions that cannot be reduced further makes us a climate positive and carbon neutral company. Our Environmental Management System is ISO 14001 certified, and we are committed to taking accountability for our Environmental, Social (and Corporate) Governance, recently scoring “ESG Excellent” with more initiatives to come.
Supporting Individuals and the Wider Community
We’re committed to being a good neighbour by engaging with and supporting local communities and key organisations.
Our Cash for Trash campaign aims to improve outdoor spaces across the country and raise funds for charity. Whilst conducting field work, APEM staff collect any litter they come across, and for every bag of litter filled, £1 is donated to contributes towards the international non-profit campaign, the Big Blue Ocean Cleanup. The team leave the sites they visit in a better state than they were before, which has the knock-on effect of improving areas of natural beauty for locals and encouraging increased tourism in the area, which then benefits local businesses.
Responsible Procurement
We recognise the importance of our fellow small and medium enterprises, and ensure opportunities are provided for them to bid for work. Our Supply Chain Management Policy underpins our relationships with other organisations, and we seek to safeguard the interests of those outside the organisation through a commitment to sustainable and ethical procurement including transparent payment practices.
Training and Development
Our working culture helps our team to grow and deliver innovation and quality. Training is an investment that directly contributes to individual and company performance, and we aim to equip every member of the APEM team with the skills and knowledge to do the job. We are accredited for adhering to the Investors in People standard and foster corporate social responsibility though our training programmes and support of employee initiatives.
You can review and access our full CSR policy, as well as our other policies, here.